Class JGFont

  extended by jgame.JGFont

public class JGFont
extends java.lang.Object

A generic font specification for fonts on the different platforms. It is based on the JRE platform, other platforms should do their best to translate it to something equivalent or use sensible defaults if there is nothing comparable.

Field Summary
static int BOLD
 java.lang.Object impl
          Optional object that represents the font on a particular platform.
static int ITALIC
 java.lang.String name
          The font name can be a logical font name or a font face name.
static int PLAIN
 double size
          Font size is effectively pixel height.
 int style
          The style is an integer bitmask that may be PLAIN, or a bitwise union of BOLD and/or ITALIC (for example, ITALIC or BOLD|ITALIC).
Constructor Summary
JGFont(java.lang.String name, int style, double size)
          Creates a new Font from the specified name, style and point size.
Method Summary
 int getSize()
 double getSize2D()
 int getStyle()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int PLAIN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int BOLD
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int ITALIC
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public java.lang.String name
The font name can be a logical font name or a font face name. A logical name must be either: Dialog, DialogInput, Monospaced, Serif, or SansSerif. If name is null, the name of the new Font is set to the name "Default".


public int style
The style is an integer bitmask that may be PLAIN, or a bitwise union of BOLD and/or ITALIC (for example, ITALIC or BOLD|ITALIC). If the style argument does not conform to one of the expected integer bitmasks then the style is set to PLAIN.


public double size
Font size is effectively pixel height.


public java.lang.Object impl
Optional object that represents the font on a particular platform.

Constructor Detail


public JGFont(java.lang.String name,
              int style,
              double size)
Creates a new Font from the specified name, style and point size. This is a generic font specification for fonts on the different platforms.

name - the font name
style - - the style constant for the Font
size - - the point size of the Font
Method Detail


public int getSize()


public double getSize2D()


public int getStyle()